Really fun game
Fun game reminds me of old school command and conquer
Best rts game ever...
Closest thing to Dune 2000 I've seen for android
Just like Command and Conquer if thats your taste. Love this game.
This is a very solid game, it plays like an old PC rts game, its a nice and welcomed brake from games like halo wars 2. The only problems I have is that there aren't enough building options. I wish you could build Bridges across rivers that way your land units can get across without needing an airlift. Bridges could serve as choke points and they'll have high health but you build them like walls, each tile has to be placed. Meaning its expensive and time consuming... as bridges tend to be
If you like c&c u will like this
As always, fantastic game especially if you want to kill 2 hrs
AI will start building things near your territory even if they don't have any units nearby. Player can't do the same thing so the AI spams Coils and turrets next to your base and its very cheaty. They also grab spec mines without needing to send units to the locations to build anything. Again, player is afforded no advantage. Other than that, the game is fun.
Great game for mobile